On the A-level pathway all learners study three traditional A-levels. We offer A-levels in Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Product Design with an option to study additional subjects in Further Mathematics* and the Extended Project Qualification*.
Learners on this prestigious pathway will be expected to achieve grades of Level 7 and above in the majority of their GCSEs and will be required to achieve Level 7 grades in Mathematics and Sciences. This means that applicants who choose this pathway will be some of our most able learners as traditional A-levels require high levels of academic ability and strong levels of commitment to independent study beyond the classroom. The pathway can lead to places at esteemed higher education establishments, including the research-intensive Russell Group universities, along with offers of higher apprenticeships at world-class companies such as Rolls-Royce.
*subject to suitable grades
A-level subjects on offer

Learners will develop their interest and enthusiasm for Biology, including developing an interest in further study and careers associated with the subject. The key concepts are studied so that students can demonstrate a deep appreciation of the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods, while considering how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how the sciences contribute to the success of the economy and society.
Download the course sheet overview from our downloads page by clicking here.

Chemistry at A-level is one of the most prestigious and exciting courses available here at The JCB Academy Sixth Form. Chemistry not only improves some lifelong skills such as logical thinking and intuitiveness, but it can also assist with skills in other areas of learning such as mathematics & engineering. A key aspect of this course is keeping the practical element new and exhilarating to ensure learners are engaged and challenged. More importantly, encouragement of practical participation aids the development of independent learning which is essential for any university enrolment.
Chemistry opens up many career opportunities for our learners; such careers are within Medicine & Healthcare, Chemical Engineering and Forensic Science.
Download the course sheet overview from our downloads page by clicking here.
Learners on our A-level Mathematics course will study a range of varied and exciting modules during their two years of study. These modules range from Decision Mathematics, covering abstract reasoning topics such as critical path analysis, to a suit of Mechanics and Statistics modules which cover how mathematics is applied to real-life problems. Alongside these elements of the course, learners will gain the opportunity to further their understanding of more traditional topics such as complex algebra, trigonometry and calculus. As a result of studying this course, learners will improve their understanding of mathematical processes, develop the ability to reason logically and construct mathematical proofs, and many other skills which are highly regarded by both industry and universities.
Download the course sheet overview from our downloads page by clicking here.

Look at the world around you; Physics is the only course which explains the universe from small to large, from beginning to the end. If you wish to be able to explain where you came from and where you are going to then this is the course for you. In an ever-changing world studying Physics is the unyielding constant which is the basis for all our lives. To provide a stimulating and rewarding educational experience allowing learners to study a variety of topics in A-level Physics. The topics give learners the opportunity to pursue their own interests in the subject through extended practical projects and information research. This course is suitable for any motivated learner who is good at logical reasoning and maths skills and who is willing to reason out problems and really push themselves to find the answers to the world around them. Topics covered include:
- Physics and Sport
- Physics and Food
- Medical Physics
- Physics and Transport
- Physics and Communications
- Physics and Music
- Technology in Space
- Physics and Archaeology
- Particle Physics
- Physics and Earthquakes
- Astrophysics and Cosmology
Download the course sheet overview from our downloads page by clicking here.

Product Design is all about how people interact with everything they touch in their lives. All man-made objects have been designed and they are used to show things like success, power, status and even emotions. The world revolves around well-designed products and this is your chance to make a difference, to change the world and to send out a clear signal that you can thing about the very big things in life as well as the very small.
Download the course sheet overview from our downloads page by clicking here.

Apply online to study A-levels at The JCB Academy by clicking here